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Budućnost rada

Napredak u automatizaciji i digitalizaciji ubrzano menja strukturu lokalnih ekonomija. Srpska privreda nije izuzetak. Integracija digitalnih tehnologija u svakodnevni život i oblast rada, prelazak sa radno intenzivnih na tehnološki intenzivne sektore u Srbiji i povećanje broja radnika iz Srbije u tzv. gig ekonomiji doveli su do broj različitih izazova. Ove promene su već imale i nastaviće da se razvijaju, snažno utiču na ponudu i potražnju radne snage i na modalitete i kvalitet ugovora o radu.

Počeli su da se pojavljuju novi tipovi poslova i novi „fleksibilni“ uslovi zapošljavanja, došlo je do potražnje za različitim veštinama, prirode posla, promene u strukturi prihoda pojedinaca, porodica i zajednica. Shodno tome, čini se neophodnim redefinisanje države, odnosa poslodavca i zaposlenog i stvaranje novih radnih prava. Ovakve promene otvaraju pitanje kako povezati i zastupati interese radnika i budućnost socijalnog dijaloga. Stoga je sve umesnije govoriti o budućnosti rada u statusu kvo.


Just innovation

Centar za istraživanje javnih politika (CENTAR) je nezavisna istraživačka organizacija (think tank) osnovana 2010. godine. CENTAR čini grupa inovativnih istraživača i digitalnih entuzijasta koji promišljaju budućnost rada u Srbiji, inkluzivnu bezbednost i stvaranje održivih partnerstava usmerenih ka društvenim promenama. Kroz svoj multidisciplinarni pristup istražujemo veze između socio-ekonomskih i bezbednosnih domena od svakodnevnog značaja za građane.


Social Inclusion and Social Capital

Uncertainty and vulnerability of the individual in the 21st century is the focus of CENTAR’s Human Security Programme. Building on foundations set by the recently departed co-founder and longtime director of CENTAR, Svetlana Đurđević Lukić, CENTAR regards security as a human right and advocates for construing a society in which every individual will have opportunities to reach their potential. Svetlana had a talent of pioneering the introduction of many topics – primarily concerned with the security of vulnerable groups – into security discourse within Serbia. Fostering this approach, starting from 2016, CENTAR, as part of its foundation named after the late Svetlana, holds a competition with the goal of inspiring young researchers to examine modern day threats.


The first instrument aiming to describe the geography of digital work in Serbia and the region* in terms of gender, incomes, and occupations. It is a result of the efforts made by the Public Policy Research Centre (CENTAR) to shed more light on the phenomenon of online platform based work in Serbia and East and South-East Europe.

The first instrument aiming to describe the geography of digital work in Serbia and the region* in terms of gender, incomes, and occupations. It is a result of the efforts made by the Public Policy Research Centre (CENTAR) to shed more light on the phenomenon of online platform based work in Serbia and East and South-East Europe.



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