The rapid pace of automation and digitization is reshaping economies globally, including in Serbia where the labour market is undergoing significant transformations. Challenges such as informality and precarity are further exacerbated by the rise of non-standard forms of employment that deviate from traditional models. These new temporary and flexible employment conditions are changing the demand for skills, the nature of work, and income structures, necessitating redefinition of labour relations and social dialogue. The Future of Work (FOW) programme is designed to address these critical shifts in Serbia’s labour market. It is also highly relevant to Serbia’s alignment with EU frameworks that promote sustainable employment, guaranteed social protection, the fight against exclusion and poverty, and the improvement of working conditions, including those of platform workers. We have been pioneers in examining issues such as the impact of digital platforms on platform workers and the evolving dynamics between employers, employees, and policymakers in this new digital age. The FOW programme, which we have spearheaded not only in Serbia but across Southeast Europe, tackles specific challenges unique to this region compared to other parts of the world, such as the high levels of informality and significant regional disparities. This comprehensive approach ensures that Serbia is well-positioned to navigate the complexities of the digital economy while promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.