




Project description

This project aims at increasing the level of formal employment through the promotion of entrepreneurship among female digital workers in Serbia.

Female digital workers (FDWs) from Serbia, aged from 18 up to 55, who work remotely via global digital labour platforms, make up a new vulnerable group within society. They are not only invisible to local policy makers and stakeholders, but also lack or have limited access to common benefits stemming from formal employment. This project “DEA – Digital Entrepreneurship Awakening: From new vulnerabilities to economic empowerment of women in Serbia” aims at increasing the level of formal employment through promotion of entrepreneurship among female digital workers from Serbia in sectors which have added value to the economy but still are not recognized as such.

In completing this goal, the project will contribute to the specific objective 2.3. (Economic empowerment of women) of the National Action Plan for Gender Equality 2016-2018 (NAP), in particular section 2.3.1: Monitoring and promoting development of female entrepreneurship. Likewise, the envisioned activities will contribute to Result 3 of the project “Support to Priority Actions for Gender Equality in Serbia” that UN Women Programme Office in Serbia is implementing, especially in the domains of the empowerment of women at the labour market and female entrepreneurship.

The Public Policy Research Center is implementing this project in cooperation with the Association of Business Women in Serbia (ABW), which is the leading partner on the project.

The project is supported by UN WOMEN.
